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On-line tool for risks assessment, associated with business interruptions
in small and medium-sized enterprises

An on-line tool that serves as:

  1. an assistant to SMEs in understanding and identifying the risks associated with business interruptions,

  2. an assistant to insurance sellers in explaining the purpose and the reasonableness of business interruption insurance for SM companies, and

  3. an educational tools.

ModelBI was developed by following standard internationally established underwriting principles, whereby the transfer of risks itself is based on the world's most widespread method - the gross profit method.

This is a method that, on the assumption of properly taken out insurance, puts the company financially where it would be if there was no physical damage to its assets.

It is a sales model that mainly observes the loss of the company's turnover and searchs for solutions to replace it.
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ModelBI  as on-line tool with built-in "What if ... simulations" functionality, that provides a quick insight or simulation what the effect of the insurance program would be if:
  • the insurance program was concluded differently (e.g., with a different sum insured or different maximum indemnity period),

  • certain loss parameters were different (e.g., increased costs of working or savings) or

  • the movement of economic categories were different (e.g., planned sales growth).

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ModelBI helps to:
  • determining the appropriate (required) sum insured,

  • setting the appropriate (required) maximum indemnity period,

  • analyzing the existing insurance program,

  • simulation of loss events (insurance cases),

  • assessment of actual loss events (insurance cases).

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For registered users:  entry to the portal

For an offer, please contact .

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The project / operation is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. 
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